Looking for accommodation for your time in Southampton? This page aims to provide a bit of information...

University Accommodation

The University of Southampton is able to offer accommodation in halls to undergraduate, postgraduate and international students but, unfortunately, not to
Erasmus/visiting students at the moment. Therefore, private accommodation is currently the main form of housing available to you.

Private Rented Accommodation

There is a good supply of student private rented accommodation in Southampton. You can look at accommodation that has been rated by the University here if you are logged into the University computer network otherwise you can email the Accommodation Service and ask for them to send you a copy of the list. 

We strongly recommend you start looking for private accommodation early
to ensure you find a property that is suitable to your needs. A number
of students arrive early in September allowing them to secure
accommodation for when University teaching starts in October. Students arriving in the second semester will find it easier to find accommodation advertised on SUSU Forums where Southampton students need to fill their rooms as they are going on exchange.

SUAIC (Students Union Advice & Information Centre) provides help and advice on looking for private rented housing including a free facility to check your contracts before your sign them. Please visit their website http://suaic.susu.org/advice?aid=33 and Housing Information Booklet

The best places to look for housing are:

Southampton University Student Union - Forums - http://forum.susu.org

Student Accommodation Service in Southampton

Our Erasmus Society Facebook Group

External Website - www.gumtree.com

More information can be found on the University of Southmapton Accommodation Service Website:

