President - Harriet Roser

I’m Harriet, a final year student studying Modern Languages and
Contemporary European Studies. I spent last year as an Erasmus student
at uni in Lisbon and met some amazing people from all over Europe. I had
a really fab year! As President of the committee, I want to encourage
more of our Southampton students to think about studying abroad. I also
want to make sure that the Erasmus students coming to Southampton get
all the support they need so that they have just as great as an
experience as I did. I hope we can give you tonnes of happy memories and
help you to make loads of friends. 

Vice President - Frank Sondors
Erasmus!!! My name is Frank, studying international relations and I am
originally from Latvia. I aiming to study in Bonn for a semester next
year. Been a buddy last year and hoping to be one this year also. You
should also do it, because you can meet new people and have loads of fun
with them. I have travelled over 20 countries and got a bit clue about
where to go and what is happening around the Europe. I also speak 5
languages to communicate better with anybody from Erasmus! As a VP, I
will work alongside Harriet and the rest of them team to encourage more
exchange and make sure the students who come here are fully settled and
ready to experience Southampton!

Secretary - Anna Schoenwerth

I’m Anna and the Secretary of the Erasmus Society! I’m a fourth year
studying French (with a few Spanish and Economics modules thrown in, in
my first and second years). I was on the Erasmus scheme last year as a
language assistant in France, so I know how it feels being in foreign
place with new people, language and culture to adjust to. Going abroad
really is a great chance to, at the risk of sounding cliché, broaden
your horizons! I hope to be able to welcome all Erasmus students in the
coming year to Southampton and also, for those who are thinking of
studying or working abroad, to give some great advice and tips to make
the most of your experiences.



Buddy Scheme Co-ordinator - Abigail Robinson

I’m Abigail and I’m in my 4th year of a French and Spanish degree and
last year I did Erasmus in Salamanca, Spain.  It was a great way to
spend my year abroad and I had an awesome time there - I would
definitely recommend the Erasmus scheme to everyone who gets the
opportunity to do it! My experience also made me really want to help out
the Erasmus students who come to Southampton, so I am really pleased to
be part of the committee this year and to be able to carry on the buddy
scheme that was so successful last year.  I think it’s really important
to help all the international students integrate into the uni so that
they have the best time possible here and gain as much as possible from
the experience.



Treasurer - Matt Rittmeier 

buenas dias and bonjour! My name is Matt, I will be the part of the
commitee for Erasmus as your treasurer and be hoping to meet as many of
you Erasmus students as possible! I am a postgrad student for Management
and have spent my Erasmus time in Zaragoza in Spain, which was
fabolous! I've lived in other places as well in recent years , including
France, Greece and Germany and love the international life ! I want to
make everybody feel welcomed and at home in Southampton and will do my
best to support you whenever necessary!



Publicity & Marketing - Laura Pagani
LauraHello!  I'm
Laura, I am in my final year doing Management Sciences and French. I
spent my year abroad last year studying in Aix-en-Provence in the south
of France in the sunshine (One of my favourite things!) I wanted to be
part of this committee to share with as many people as possible how
utterly wonderful the Erasmus Scheme is and to make sure everyone
visiting Southampton know how many great things there are to do! I think
this society is very important to a lot of people and has done some
fabulous work so far and am honoured to be part of it for 2010-2011!

Social Sec - Ozge Ozogul
I'm Ozge, a final year Languages and Contemporary European Studies
student. I spent my year abroad in Spain, and had the most amazing time
of my life. That's why I wanted to become a part of the Erasmus
committee, to help Erasmus students make the most out of their time here
and have an equally great experience!



Social Sec - Julia Gaisford
I'm Jules and I'm studying German and Spanish.  I spent my third year
in Spain and had the best time meeting lots of new people and visiting
different places. As social sec I'm going to make sure the Erasmus of
Southampton have just as much fun as I did!  I'm really looking forward
to organising all sorts of exciting social events for the lucky Erasmus