Andreas Mathikolonis - President
Francisco Ballen - Vice President
Hello everyone! I am Francisco Ballen, your vice president for this year but I also double as final year Law Student. Last year I had the best time on Erasmus in Belgium and I can only hope to replicate such experience for all those amazing people who have the honour to be on Erasmus in Southampton. We have many plans for this year, trips trips trips - a must for any Erasmus experience - as well the other Erasmus classic, Parties! Nevertheless, we are always open to your suggestions so please contact me if you have a crazy idea you feel we should make reality. We are also here to support you, so do contact us if you need anything. Finally if you are a home students thinking about going on Erasmus I am also here for you - shoot your questions! And remember to enjoy your time here! (it is one of those one in a life time kind of thing).
Stephen McDonald - Treasurer
Hi everybody! My name's Steve and I'm your treasurer for this year; responsible for looking after all the money and making sure all your trips and events are really good value. I'm in my final year studying German and Music, and was an erasmus student last year in Bayreuth, Germany. I had an awesome time with the Erasmus Student Network in Germany, and that's what made me want to help you all have an equally awesome time here in Southampton! See you soon!
Adam Calloway - Secretary
Laura Davies - Marketing
Hi, I'm Laura and I'm a 4th year English Literature and Spanish student. I spent my third year on Erasmus at the university in Granada, Spain, and had such a great time! When I came back to Southampton, I became involved in the Erasmus Society because I loved my own year away so much and wanted to make sure that Erasmus students in Southampton also really enjoy their experience here and go home with some amazing memories of their time abroad!
Katie Richardson - Social Secretary
Ffion Jenkins - Social Secretary
Gergana Kaludova - Social Secretary
Hey everyone :) I'm Gerry and I'm in my 3rd year at the University of Southampton studying Economics and Mangament Sciences. This summer I went to Thailand, for an internship, and I met so amazing and incredible people from all over the world and I got really inspired to join the Erasmus Society to meet, to party with and to help the new Erasmus students at uni. It is wonderful to experience this so gloabalised network of young and full of life people. As a social secretary, I want to bring all unforgetable moments of the UK experience to the Erasmus students and make them enjoy it to max through organising a bunch of parties from all kind and social events. I love being part of the Erasmus Committee :) :P
Hannah Howell-Day - Welfare
Hello! Im Hannah, I am a fourth year Modern languages student. Last year i went to France for my year abroad on the ERASMUS program and it was AMAZING!!! I had the best time, and I want to make sure everyone who does ERASMUS in Southampton has an even better time.... if that's possible?!
Lloyd Huitson - Radio
Hi I'm Lloyd and I'm host of Erasmus Radio UK! I study Languages (French and Spanish) and Contemporary European Studies here in Southampton. I did an Erasmus exchange in Salamanca, Spain, which was the best experience of my life! I love meeting people from all over the World, which is reflected in our weekly guests on the show (on Surge Radio) on Thursdays, 12 until two! If you would like to be a guest on the show, drop me an email Be Erasmus, Feel Erasmus!
Maria Krasteva - Radio
Hey guys :) I'm Mia and I'm part of the Erasmus Radio UK DJ team - our job is to entertain you and keep you informed of all the events happening in Erasmus Southampton as well as everything that ESN is doing to make your year an unforgettable experience. I'm currently in my second year here at Southampton Uni, studying European Studies, Spanish and French. I'm hoping to go to France for my Erasmus year. I speak eight languages and outside of lectures, you can usually find me practicing them with my friends. I also love music, dancing, basketball and sushi.
Dafni Boula - Buddy Scheme
Hey there!
I'm Daphne (or Dafni, for University and bureaucracy...) and I'm one of the two Buddy Scheme co-ordinators, along with Jessica!
I come from Greece but I'm studying here all of my degree. I'm currently on my 2nd year studying a BA in Modern Languages (Spanish, Portuguese and Italian). Next year I'll be embarking on my Erasmus to Portugal and I can hardly wait! The reason why I wanted to get involved in Erasmus Society is because I think it is one of the best societies of our university, helping Erasmus people settle in easier and better and making a difference to many people's social lives! As an international student myself, I know how Erasmus students feel when they go to study in a foreign country and have to communicate using a foreign language, so I thought I could help people with issues they might have and that are related to them coming from a different country and not knowing how certain things work here. Also, the past two years (it's my 3rd year at Uni, I firstly did the Foundation Year and then started my degree), I became friends with many Erasmus people. Therefore, being part of this committee is a sentimental thing as well, kind of an homage to my Erasmus friends who left me with some amazing memories and, in many cases, better language skills :P
Due to all these reasons, and because of my interest in meeting people from all over the world, knowing them and their cultures, I wanted to contribute to helping people adapt as easy as possible to this new environment, make friends, practice their English and enjoy themselves in Southampton as much as I hope to enjoy myself in Portugal next year! = )
Jessica Killaspy - Buddy Scheme
Hello! I am a third year English Literature student (with a bit of Spanish on the side) and I am also one of the buddy scheme co-ordinators! I spent a semester in Lausanne, Switzerland last year and I absolutely loved it. I was desperate to become part of the Erasmus community here and what better way to do that than by joining the committee and helping to organise events for all the lovely Erasmi! Erasmus taught me not to be afraid of moving to a new country and I met lots of great people from all over the world; I hope that we can ensure that everyone who comes to Southampton has a wonderful time here!
Stelios Christoforou – Webmaster
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