What is Bonfire Night?
“Remember, remember, the fifth of November, gunpowder, treason, and plot”
Bonfire Night is a very British tradition! On 5th November 1605 a number of Catholic conspirators, including a man named Guy Fawkes, attempted to blow up the House of Lords in London - however the plot failed, and King James I survived. For this reason, the 5th November is celebrated in Britain each year. People light bonfires, make ‘guys’ (like dolls of Guy Fawkes) which are burnt on the fire, and also put on extravagant firework displays.

Why are we going to Winchester?!
The bonfire and firework display in Winchester are renowned! Also Winchester is a beautiful city and used to be the capital city of England, so there are plenty of things to do and see. We will give you a tour of the city,
we will be visiting the Great Hall and King Arthur’s Round Table,the Winchester Cathedral and City Museum. There are also lot of pubs and shops!

We will be getting the train from Southampton Central to Winchester. Train tickets will cost £6.50 return and it is a completely FREE event (or £5 if you want to actually go inside the park to watch).

Winchester Bonfire will start with some entertainment outside the Guildhall, followed by a torchlit procession through town and on to River Park. The bonfire will be lit by the Mayor and then fireworks will follow at around 7.45pm.

We will be leaving from Southampton train station at 2.00pm so please be there half an hour in advance, in order to buy your tickets and the committee will then give you the tour of Winchester!


If you would like to do your own thing and meet us later for the Bonfire you can either take the Bluestar bus or train when you want!

For more information visit http://www.winchesterbonfire.co.uk/

Hope to see you all there!

ESN love xx

08/11/2014 - 14:00