What ingredients do you need for a perfect 007 inspired Gala Dinner? You see, we already had the most elegant "Suit up" men accompanied by the best-looking Bond girls ever…so, what else could have been added to that? Well, I kind of missed the so-called dry martini “shaken, not stirred” part when I got to where the party was taking place. I blame it all on the deliciously colourful cocktails we were welcomed with... I can say that each and every one of those cocktails was made with love (and a little bit of rush, to be honest) at La Margherita, the perfect place to eat, dance, enjoy yourself and have a good one in Southampton!

Why the long faces then? Weren’t you among the chosen ones to become Mr. or Miss. Erasmus? Didn’t you find your perfect Bond  to match your outfit and personality with?  Or maybe you were one of those students who had to wave us "Good-bye"… :(? If the above-mentioned options do not speak volumes to you, then you will have to think twice about it! I am sure we all had a great time pretending to genuinely be on Bond's side for a night, right?  

Perhaps the time hasn’t come yet to have invisible cars –as in Die Another Day- but I’m pretty confident  you  made sure  your irresistible charms did not go unnoticed and asked that special somebody for their Facebook, Whatsapp or Skype profile... At the end of the day (night), they were there for a reason: to have just as much fun as yourself!

It has been a semester full of surprises and  achievements for our hard working ESN society, and they couldn’t have  possibly chosen a better time to celebrate all this than at the Christmas Gala Dinner…There were prizes and songs for everyone, suitable meal choices for each of us (every plate as yummy as the other) and...on top of that, just in case someone wasn’t feeling Christmassy enough, the party somehow presented itself as a perfectly dosed mix of the Christmas fun and the glamour that comes with hosting a James Bond's soirée in an Italian restaurant. Well-done ESN, looking forward to enjoying many more surprises with you next year.


See you all soon and Happy Xmas everyone! 


Written by Rocío Riestra - Erasmus+ student from Spain


Rocío is a very dilligent student who absolutely loves a good giggle and a good party. She is passionate about linguistics and, as a consequence of that, could talk for hours about language and still not get bored of its fascinating twists and swirls.