It all began on a seemingly quiet Wednesday night. It was the 1st of October, to be more precise, and everyone was in the mood of having fun. What do Erasmus+ students do when feeling like that? Yes, you are perfectly right! They do exactly what any other students would: they go partying…responsible partying, of course!

However, the party they were all going to attend was nothing like any other one seen before. Why? Well…it’s because it was a White T-shirt party, duh! ‘Now what’s so special about a White T-shirt party?’ you are bound to think… And let me give you the right answer to that: it’s the amazing people that attend it! I have never been to such a party before, so it’s true that my unquestionably biased opinion of it does not have any term of comparison, but still. On the night of the 1st of October I managed to meet so many people at the same time and make so many new, funny and international friends that I can now say I have a friend in every corner of the world!

The well-known principle of a White T-shirt party is that everyone has to be wearing a white top, shirt, T-shirt or whatever and let the others personalise it as they please. Armed with only one permanent ink pen, making friends seems to be a piece of cake! ‘Tell me [what you wrote on my T-shirt] and I’ll tell you who you are!’ – That’s a good way of striking up a conversation with someone you didn’t know before!

Despite what most people would think, we were not there only for the party. Everyone at the party was there to introduce themselves, to make their debut on the Erasmus+ student generation of 2014-2015’s scene, to laugh and to rock the dance floor until late in the night, without forgetting to wake up in the morning and go to the 9 AM seminar! I did…and I am proud of myself to admit it.

What united us was the enthusiasm of embarking on a new, Southamptonian adventure, be it for a term-time or be it for the whole year! Ahoy, captain, we are here to sail through our assignments, conquer a lot of new land thanks to the soon-to-happen ESN Southampton trips and dive deep into the British (pub) culture. May this be the beginning of an unforgettable time that will be always remembered as ‘the best year of our lives’! ‘Once Erasmus, always Erasmus!’




Written by Madalina (Maddy) Cretu

Maddy is a Romanian Erasmus+ student from France. Irrevocably in love with English, chocolate and puppies, she aspires to make this world a more tolerant place to live in. ‘Keep calm and carry on!’ is Maddy’s everyday motto and her favourite occupations are smiling and sharing free hugs!