Hello everyone,
It has been an amazing year for us by being part of the Erasmus Society of our university but unfortunately like everything else, it is coming to an end!
It is time to start thinking for next year, therefore we would like to make an Open Call for the next year's ESN Southampton committee (Board Election Time - #BET). We are looking for people to join the committee for the academic year 2014/2015, in order to continue this amazing society and help the new Erasmus students next year! :)
Potential applicants:
If you interested in running for these elections, please send us an email at esn@soton.ac.uk to forward you the ''Open Call’ document which includes everything you need to know in regards to the application process and the tasks of the positions!
ESN is a great opportunity to gain valuable communication and organizational skills, meet new people, explore the network around European sections, party like an exchange student and build strong relationship with the university.
The roles you can apply to are:
+ Treasurer
+ Marketing Officer
+ Buddy Scheme Coordinator
+ Social Erasmus Coordinator
+ Webmaster
+ Radio Presenter (x3)
+ First Year Academic Rep
+ Second Year Academic Rep
For any other questions, do not hesitate to contact us at esn@soton.ac.uk.
Deadline to apply by: Sunday 18th of May 2014, 23:59 (GMT)
AGM 2nd round date: ***To be Announced!***
Thank you,
Erasmus Society Committee
- Everyone is invited.
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