Hello everyone,

Between the 29th and the 31st October ESN Southampton will be holding a massive promotion event on the SUSU Redbrick to encourage as many people as possible to sign up to the Erasmus+ programme and spend next year abroad. 

However, this isn’t just a promotion event, we are going to be offering free samples of international food during lunchtime and every person to leave their contact details will be entered into a draw to win the following prizes:

-£10 October Books voucher
-£10 Kate's Cafe voucher
-£5 SUSU Cafe voucher 
-Free meal for 2 at Sulas
-Free haircut at Vibe by Feng
-2 Union Films tickets for an autumn season movie of -your choice
-SUSU Shop goody bag 

With all that on offer and a chance to find out about how you can make next year the best year of your life; there really is no excuse not to come and find out more about Erasmus+!!


29/10/2014 to 31/10/2014